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Desenvolvemos essa pesquisa com o objetivo de verificar como tem se dado a constituição e mobilização dos saberes dos professores de História da rede estadual de ensino de Maranguape/CE, cidade localizada na região metropolitana de Fortaleza, sobre a temática africana no cotidiano escolar do ensino médio. Para alcançar o objetivo principal desse estudo, optamos por assumir uma postura de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, nos apoiando na metodologia da História Oral Temática. Utilizamos, portanto, fontes orais, documentais e bibliográficas. Como fundamentação teórica destacamos: Bittencourt (2004), Fonseca (2003), Fonseca (2008), Fonseca (2011), Funes (2004), Gauthier (1998), Lima (2004), Lima (2006), Monteiro (2007), Munanga (2004), Nóvoa (1995), Oliva (2003), Oliva (2006), Oliva (2007), Petit(2015), Schon (1995), Schon (2000) Tardif (2012). O universo da pesquisa é o ensino médio público em Maranguape/CE, sendo o lócus da investigação as escolas da rede estadual de ensino, onde fizemos entrevistas com sete professores. Realizamos uma análise minuciosa de documentos elaborados pelo MEC no que se refere à formação de professores e em particular a dos professores de História, bem como dos documentos referentes à educação para relações étnico-raciais. Após análise documental e estudo bibliográfico fomos às escolas onde foram realizadas as entrevistas com os sujeitos da pesquisa, ou seja, professores de História das referidas escolas. Ao final, praticamos o exercício da reflexão e síntese dos resultados obtidos. Constatamos que os professores possuem diversos saberes sobre a temática africana que foram forjados ao longo de suas formações em vários espaços formativos, tais saberes apesar de possuírem lacunas encontram-se na maioria das vezes de acordo com as novas tendências historiográficas sobre a temática em questão, no entanto na prática a África e sua história ainda são abordadas de forma pontual no cotidiano escolar do ensino médio de Maranguape/CE. Concluímos nosso estudo constatando que a abordagem da História africana é um processo em construção e que apesar das deficiências detectadas é este um campo em expansão, as mudanças estão acontecendo de maneira lenta e gradual porém algumas são relevantes, entendemos que muito ainda há por fazer sobretudo no que se refere à formação dos professores para que estes estejam aptos a trabalhar com tal temática, desconstruindo estereótipos e preconceitos e dessa forma realizando uma educação voltada para o respeito à diversidade étnico-racial em nossa sociedade.
Palavras–chave: Ensino de História da África. Saberes docentes. Prática docente. Formação de professores.

The year of 2003 constituted an important milestone with regard to the teaching of African history and culture African - Brazilian and African in our country. That year was approved the Law 10.639 / 03, changing the LDB 9.394 / 96, the mandatory application of the African-themed education in the basic education of the whole country. The law was the result of historical conflicts of the African and Afro-descendant populations in the struggle for their rights and seeks to promote, recognize and value education for ethnic-racial relations. Passage of the law already has more than a decade and even then it is still a big challenge, because in reality what has been observed is that many teachers are not prepared to deal with certain situations as regards the theoretical and methodological issues the approval of the law brought, resulting in school and academic circles some concerns and many questions. More than a decade later there are still many challenges to be faced, especially with regard to teacher training for Africa's Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African, because after all this theme has long neglected time and when approached, made by Eurocentric bias that transformed Africa into a mere appendage of Western European history. Thus, it is observed that many teachers did not have access to these contents in their initial training and even when they had prevailed stereotyped images on the continent. From the unease about this issue, we developed this research in order to ascertain how has given the creation and mobilization of knowledge of the teachers of history from public school of Maranguape/CE, a city located in the metropolitan area of Fortaleza, about African theme in the school high school every day. To achieve the main objective of this study, we assume a posture of qualitative research, supporting us in the methodology of history thematic oral. We use therefore, oral, documentary and bibliographic sources. As theoretical basis include: Bittencourt (2004), Fonseca (2003), Fonseca (2008), Fonseca (2011), Funes (2004), Gauthier (1998), Lima (2004), Lima (2006), Monteiro (2007), Munanga (2004), Nóvoa (1995), Oliva (2003), Oliva (2006), Oliva (2007), Petit(2015), Schon (1995), Schon (2000) Tardif (2012). The universe of the research is the public high school in Maranguape/CE, being the locus of research schools in the state schools, where we did interviews with seven teachers. We conducted a thorough analysis of documents prepared by the MEC with regard to teacher training and in particular the history teachers, as well as documents relating to education for ethnic-racial relations. After analysis of documents and bibliographic study we went to schools where interviews with the subjects of the research were carried out, i.e., history teachers of these schools. At the end, we practice the exercise of reflection and synthesis of the results. We noticed that teachers have different knowledge about African themes that have been forged along their training in various training spaces such knowledge despite their shortcomings are mostly in line with new trends historiography on the subject in question, however in practice the Africa and its history are still addressed in a timely manner in the school every day high school Maranguape /CE. We conclude our study finding that the approach of African History is an ongoing process and that despite the shortcomings detected this is a growing field, the changes are happening slowly and gradually but
some are relevant, we understand that much remains to be done especially as regards the training of teachers so that they are able to work with this theme, deconstructing stereotypes and prejudices and thus performing an education to respect for ethnic and racial diversity in our society.
Keywords: African History Teaching. Knowledge teachers. Teaching practice. Teacher training.

Tipo do Trabalho:

OLIVEIRA, SÔNIA MARIA SOARES DE. FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES E ENSINO DE HISTÓRIA DA ÁFRICA E CULTURA AFRO-BRASILEIRA E AFRICANA: SABERES E PRÁTICAS. 2016. 210 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Acadêmico ou Profissional em 2016) - Universidade Estadual do Ceará, , 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 de maio de 2024

Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE | Departamento de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação - DETIC
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