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Análise das características do uso e ocupação em ambientes litorâneos: o caso da praia do Iguape-Aquiraz - CE

Oliveira, Victor Hugo Holanda

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O ambiente litorâneo é constituído por belezas paisagísticas que são objeto de interesse de muitos agentes de produção do espaço, sendo que estes atributos são um dos maiores fatores de uso e ocupação desses locais, ocasionando uma série de consequências, principalmente no que se refere à qualidade ambiental e social desses ambientes. A zona litorânea passa por intensas mudanças, especialmente após a crescente intervenção antrópica, que objetiva atender as necessidades econômicas, como exemplo a atividade turística, através de investimentos para infraestruturar e dinamizar essas áreas. Diante dessa configuração, as belezas naturais se tornam um atrativo tanto para os turistas quanto para os residentes fixos. Uma dessas belezas naturais são as praias, que são áreas bastante valorizadas, em virtude do processo de uso e ocupação, além das características de fragilidade natural, são vulneráveis a grandes impactos ambientais. Dentro dessa perspectiva ocorrente no Estado do Ceará, o Município de Aquiraz, com enfoque à Praia do Iguape, apresenta todas as características que fazem da região um polo concentrador desses investimentos, de tal forma que, houve um maior processo de ocupação dos seus territórios nos últimos anos. Diante disso, partindo de uma metodologia de exploração e descrição dos fatos, com apoio de um referencial teórico pautado na análise do geossistema, sistemas ambientais e o uso de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas, o objetivo do trabalho é analisar o processo e os fatores que influenciaram o uso e ocupação da Praia do Iguape, como também caracterizar os sistemas ambientais, além de mostrar alguns impactos na paisagem associados a essa perspectiva, de modo a delimitar os sistemas ambientais existentes, além de compreender o atual quadro de ocupação da localidade, tendo em vista que essa problemática vem sendo bastante discutida. Os resultados obtidos, como a delimitação dos sistemas ambientais, além da compreensão dos fatores que influenciaram a ocupação e a identificação de impactos ambientais na Praia do Iguape, sugerem que seja realizada imediatamente uma intervenção pelo poder público, para ordenar a ocupação, a fim de atenuar outros impactos ambientais provenientes desse uso e ocupação.
Palavras-chave: Aquiraz. Praia do Iguape. Sistemas Ambientais. Uso e Ocupação. Impactos Ambientais.
The coastal environment is composed of beautiful sceneries that are the object of interest of many agents of production of space, being that these attributes are one of the biggest factors for the use and occupation of these locations, causing a series of consequences, especially with regard to the environmental quality and social of these environments. The littoral zone is replaced by intense changes, especially after the growing anthropic intervention, that objective meet the economic needs, such as the tourist activity, through investments to infrastructure and streamline these areas. In this configuration, the natural beauties become an attraction for both tourists and residents fixed. One of these natural beauties are the beaches, which are areas highly valued, because the process of use and occupation, in addition to the characteristics of natural vulnerability, are vulnerable to major environmental impacts. Within this perspective in the State of Ceará, the city of Aquiraz, with focus on the Beach of Iguape, presents all the characteristics that make the region concentrating of these investments, in such a way that there was a greater process of occupation of their territories in recent years. Before that, on the basis of a methodology for the exploration and description of the facts, with the support of a theoretical framework based on the analysis of geosystem, environmental systems and the use of Geographical Information Systems, the objective of this work is to analyze the process and the factors that influence the use and occupation of the Beach of Iguape, as also characterize the environmental systems, in addition to show some impacts on landscape associated with this perspective, in order to delimit the environmental systems exist, in addition to understanding the current occupation of the town, with a view that this issue has been extensively discussed. The results obtained, such as the delineation of environmental systems, in addition to the understanding of the factors that influenced the occupation and the identification of environmental impacts on the Beach of Iguape, suggest that it be held immediately an intervention by the public authorities, to sort the occupation, in order to reduce other environmental impacts from the use and occupation.
Keywords: Aquiraz. Praia do Iguape. Sistemas Ambientais. Uso e Ocupação. Impactos Ambientais.

The coastal environment is composed of beautiful sceneries that are the object of interest of many agents of production of space, being that these attributes are one of the biggest factors for the use and occupation of these locations, causing a series of consequences, especially with regard to the environmental quality and social of these environments. The littoral zone is replaced by intense changes, especially after the growing anthropic intervention, that objective meet the economic needs, such as the tourist activity, through investments to infrastructure and streamline these areas. In this configuration, the natural beauties become an attraction for both tourists and residents fixed. One of these natural beauties are the beaches, which are areas highly valued, because the process of use and occupation, in addition to the characteristics of natural vulnerability, are vulnerable to major environmental impacts. Within this perspective in the State of Ceará, the city of Aquiraz, with focus on the Beach of Iguape, presents all the characteristics that make the region concentrating of these investments, in such a way that there was a greater process of occupation of their territories in recent years. Before that, on the basis of a methodology for the exploration and description of the facts, with the support of a theoretical framework based on the analysis of geosystem, environmental systems and the use of Geographical Information Systems, the objective of this work is to analyze the process and the factors that influence the use and occupation of the Beach of Iguape, as also characterize the environmental systems, in addition to show some impacts on landscape associated with this perspective, in order to delimit the environmental systems exist, in addition to understanding the current occupation of the town, with a view that this issue has been extensively discussed. The results obtained, such as the delineation of environmental systems, in addition to the understanding of the factors that influenced the occupation and the identification of environmental impacts on the Beach of Iguape, suggest that it be held immediately an intervention by the public authorities, to sort the occupation, in order to reduce other environmental impacts from the use and occupation.
Keywords: Aquiraz. Beach of Iguape. Environmental Systems. Use and Occupation. Environmental Impacts

Tipo do Trabalho:

Oliveira, Victor Hugo Holanda. Análise das características do uso e ocupação em ambientes litorâneos: o caso da praia do Iguape-Aquiraz - CE . 2015. 61f f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em 2015) – Universidade Estadual do Ceará, , 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 de maio de 2024

Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE | Departamento de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação - DETIC
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